Friday, December 09, 2005

Genius Bar Can't Help Me

So earlier this week I returned to the Genius Bar in SoHo. They had unfortunately been unsuccessful in resurrecting my dead hard drive.

Once again, the Genius Bar is chaos. They're overwhelmed with people. Every third person in lines asks, "Aren't there walk-ins?" to be told, "Yes, but you still have to sign up and the next space is at 4:30" (this was around noon).

I walk to the front of the loooong line and ask, "I'm just here to pick up a computer. Should I wait in this line?" The guy told me to get out my ID. So apparently I don't have to wait in the line.

Even if not in the line, it was wait that I did. The guy I talked to went and looked around for the computer. Turns out it was downstairs. Getting it from downstairs took like 30 minutes. This guy clearly spent more time talking to other people about going downstairs and getting the computer than it would have taken for him to just run downstairs himself and get it. I had to ask him, "Any word on my laptop?" He discovered that they had forgotten about me, as had he apparently, despite the fact that I was sitting at the bar right in front of him. To be fair, it was hectic, but all I was there to do was pick up a damn computer!

After a while, I noticed a computer sitting on the ledge behind the Genius Bar that looks like mine. I asked him, "Could that be mine?" wanted to get it and get out of there. He wanders off to talk with someone and tells me someone will be with me in a minute. It sounded like that wasn't mine, but it was. It sat there for like 20 minutes before anyone got to me. Then another 10 minutes or so filling out paperwork, and finally I was out of there. Something more than an hour in total just to pick up a stupid computer.

So I stand by my earlier conclusion about the Genius Bar. Knowledgeable people, poor organization.

After that it was off to another Apple-authorized repair place. At that place, they could take care of the back-up (not covered by AppleCare) and everything else. So right now my laptop is with them.

It's been over two months since my computer broke. I'm a law student and as a law student I need to use this crappy exam software which is only on Windows - ExamSoft. So, during my 1L year, when faced with renting a computer for six exam periods or buying one, it was only a bit more to buy one and that's what I did. So I've been using that computer for the past two months. Besides the inconvenience of not having any of my data, it's reminded me why I use a Mac.

So I'm praying my computer gets back to me soon. It's tough without your Mac.